Oversized Postcard
Self Mailer
Dominate your prospects mailbox with our Oversized Postcard! In effect, your prospects will be drawn to the big and bold message. Therefore, creating excitement about your dealership and taking action.
Contact Us For Full Details
Smart Mail Has Redefined The Oversized Postcard.
This invitation is combined with the power of our Smart Mail Solutions. As a result, impressions, engagements and response is all increased significantly over traditional direct mail. Therefore, you can win the weekend, save the month, make the quarter and put the year over the top. When you choose Innovative Direct, you choose a partner, not a vendor.
Need co-op compliant advertising?
Innovative Direct specializes in creating co-op compliant direct mail pieces for all types of manufacturers in all types of industries. Use your manufacturers money and brand to help build your business and increase your return on investment.